Breast Lift (Maxtopexy)

Fuller and straight breasts are one of the cornerstones of female beauty. But very few people have natural perfection in this regard. Sagging breasts, loss of fullness, structural deformities, and asymmetry can be your nightmare. This doesn’t always happen with aging and gravity. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight gain and loss, congenital defects, and previous mass removal operations may also cause shape and/or volume deformities in the breast.

Obtaining fresh, well-shaped, natural-looking breasts with decollete fullness is available! Even using your own tissue as bioprosthesis to get natural fullness or placing breast prosthesis with double internal bra technique for long-lasting results. Boob Lift in Turkey offers you to regain your younger times or even better! To find out more breast lift before and after long-term results, patient reviews, and how much costs boob lift surgery with or without breast implants by Dr. MFO, click the ‘Contact Us’ button at the top of the site!

What is mastopexy surgery?

Mastopexy surgery, commonly known as a breast uplift, is an operation to remove extra loose skin from the breasts, and to lift and reshape them or to reduce the size of the areola, to make them look more youthful.

Why to have breast lift?

If you are tired of having to wear a bra and feel like you are hiding behind the bra, the rest of the article is for you. You do not have to think that you have to wear clothes that leave the chest area empty, feel deflated in an outfit with a low-cut chest, and live constantly with padded and supported bras.

Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery offers effective options for the solution of all these problems. A breast lift is an ideal option for sagging breasts. When fullness is required, the combination of breast augmentation and lifting (Augmentation Mastopexy) solves all problems at once. In addition, it is possible to obtain a stronger decollete line and eliminate asymmetries with fat fillers made from your own.

Breast lift, one of the most popular aesthetic surgery procedures in recent years, is an application with a high satisfaction rate. It gives satisfactory results in small, deflated, drooping, and asymmetrical breasts.

In which cases does breast lift required?

  • Those who want to have a fuller décolleté area
  • Those who complain about using an uplifted bra
  • Saggy and deflated breasts
  • Deformed breasts after pregnancy and breastfeeding period
  • Deformed breasts due to excessive weight gain and loss, gravity, and aging
  • Asymmetrical and/or deformed breasts after congenital or mass removal

Before surgery

There are some conditions that should be considered before breast lift surgery, which should be performed by a specialist plastic surgeon. In this process, first of all, the ideal and demanded breast shape and volume should be decided. People should express their expectations in terms of shape, size, and projection during the doctor’s consultation.

During the consultation, factors such as the width of the base of the breasts, the length of the arms, the shape and width of the rib cage, the patient’s height, and shoulder width are taken into consideration. Detailed information about the operation process, technical information, and the process after the procedure is conveyed to the patients.

The breasts, which should look alive and full, should be large enough for the body to carry. Dr. MFO will show you an exciting path to your dreams about what can be done by evaluating your requests according to your anatomy. Then, Dr. MFO’s team would like to set up the offer for your breast lift surgery including surgical cost, all-inclusive service price, the best ticket option, etc.

How can I help to my operations success ?

As in all surgical operations, the consumption of tobacco and tobacco products, especially cigarettes, which harm tissue healing and increase the risk of infection by decreasing the oxygen level in the body, should be stopped before breast lift surgery. This period covers 2-4 weeks before surgery. Be healthy as possible before and after the operation with a healthy diet. You will get informed by your doctor about the diet that you should follow before and after the operation.

Things to consider on the day of surgery

It is important to bring comfortable clothes for the postoperative period. Clothing that is wide, long, and buttoned will be ideal. It is also recommended to take a warm shower with an antibacterial soap the day before the operation.

If you have food supplements, herbal medicines, herbal teas, known additional diseases, or medicines you use regularly, you should share them with your surgeon and his team.

What to expect after the operation?

You can start doing your daily routine within a few days after the surgery. Dr. MFO does not recommend the use of drains except in rare patients who may have bleeding problems. In the same way, you can return to office work even on the first day, depending on the pain threshold of the people. On the second day, you can take a shower, including the operation area. Heavy activities should be avoided for the first three weeks after the operation.

A detailed control by your surgeon, usually on the third day after the operation, will also inform you about the results.

Sports activities such as light-paced walking can be done until the first three weeks are complete. After the fourth week, you can fully return to your sports life. It is recommended to wait for the first six weeks for heavy professional sports activities (weightlifting, boxing, etc.).

What not to do after the breast lift procedure?

Don’t sleep on your stomach or sides, because it will put too much pressure on your healing breasts. Prop yourself up on pillows or sleep in a recliner.

Don’t lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk (including your children), as you could strain your healing breasts and cause swelling. Along the same lines, don’t push anything heavy, like a stroller or a large grocery cart.

Don’t worry if you experience a wide range of emotions during your recovery. Many patients describe “ups and downs” during the initial recovery, which may be due to the anesthesia medications wearing off, lack of sleep, activity restrictions, or discomfort. If you start to feel down, redirect your thoughts to the final outcome and how great you will look and feel.

Don’t smoke after surgery, as it can interfere with your body’s ability to heal.

Don’t drink alcohol for a few weeks after surgery; it can cause dehydration and fluid retention.