
Facelift surgery is an aesthetic procedure designed to restore a more youthful appearance by smoothing wrinkles, eliminating sagging skin, and reducing other signs of aging in the face and upper neck area.

Over time, the effects of gravity, exposure to the sun, dry air, and general stress take a toll on the face and neckline. Jowls can develop with folds and fat deposits. Sometimes creases begin to form between the nose and the mouth.

A facelift can considerably reduce these signs of aging by removing excess fat, tightening the underlying muscles, and re-draping the skin around the neck and face. Facelifts can be done alone, or frequently performed in conjunction with another procedure such as an endoscopic brow lift, endoscopic mid-face lift, eyelid surgeries like upper or lower blepharoplasty, or nose reshaping. Fat injections and fillers, slim face liposuction and buccal fat removal (cheek thinning or Hollywood cheek), stem cell applications, and minimally invasive skin resurfacing methods offer problem-oriented, personalized solutions to facelift and facial rejuvenation candidates. If your problem areas are limited to the neck, a more conservative approach, known as a “neck lift” may be the procedure needed to achieve a more defined jawline.

Dr. MFO uses the High-SMAS Facelift technique, which is one of the most permanent, most effective, and most advanced surgical techniques for the entire mid-face, especially the lower eyelid and cheek area.

Best age for Facelift

Most facelift patients are in their 40s, 50s, or 60s, which is when signs of aging typically become more prominent. However, age is not a requirement to be considered a good candidate, and patients older or younger can be eligible for a mini or full facelift. In some cases, it is possible to see early aging of the face due to social life and habits, genetic and environmental factors.

Everyone ages at a different rate and, as a result, the ideal age for facelift surgery will differ individually. In general, the best time to consider a facelift is when you are unhappy with fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin, and non-surgical treatments no longer help you achieve the results you desire.

High SMAS Face Lift technique

High SMAS Facelift is a special method that improves the soft tissue distribution of the entire face along the mid-face, cheek, lower eyelid, and jawline, eliminates sagging, and provides a balanced and natural facial rejuvenation.

Unlike traditional SMAS techniques, it provides a natural and physiologically correct repositioning of the eye area, upper cheek, and temple areas, which almost none of the facelift techniques can provide.

Thanks to the SMAS layer, which is one of the layers most affected by aging, which carries many structures and muscles of the face, and the tissue layers formed by the skin, are designed separately and lifted in different axes, the facial features are restored more precisely and closest to perfection.

With this method, synergistically; fat injection, brow lift, upper/lower eyelid operations, nanofat injection, buccal fat removal, forehead operations, and stem cell methods can be combined.

For all these reasons, according to many sources, the High SMAS Facelift is the most effective and most complex facial rejuvenation technique known. It offers a truly three-dimensional approach. The most powerful weapon against the effects of aging and gravity!

Thanks to a correct postoperative (post-operative) follow-up and care, you can return to your normal life after 7-10 days. All you have to do after the surgery is to apply your organic moisturizing care oils regularly and enjoy watching your face become more silky day by day.

Please make an appointment with your doctor for consultation and consultancy service, where you will learn what procedures your face and neck area needs for ideal rejuvenation.

Before surgery

There are some conditions that should be considered before facelift surgery that a specialist plastic surgeon should perform. In this process, first of all, the face should be evaluated in three dimensions with all its subunits. People should express their expectations during the doctor’s consultation.

During the consultation, factors such as soft tissue laxity and sagging of the face, the volume of bone tissue, skin elasticity, and quality are taken into consideration. Detailed information about the operation process, technical information, and the process after the procedure is conveyed to the patients. Dr. MFO will show you an exciting path to your dreams about what can be done by evaluating your requests according to your anatomy.

As in all surgical operations, the consumption of tobacco and tobacco products, especially cigarettes, which harm tissue healing and increase the risk of infection by decreasing the oxygen level in the body, should be stopped before facelift surgery. This period covers 2-4 weeks before surgery.

Anticoagulants as well as vitamins and herbal medicines should not be used within 7-10 days before the operation. If you have any known additional diseases and medications you use regularly, you should share them with your surgeon. If you do not have a special health problem, it can be decided whether you are suitable for the operation with the analysis performed on the day of the operation. After all these criteria are met, the favorite operation of women who pay attention to their physical appearance and want to feel good both socially and spiritually is successfully applied.

How long do Facelift results last?

Facelift results can be very long-lasting, but the longevity can vary from patient to patient, based on factors such as the surgical method used, as well as the patient’s skin quality and efforts to maintain optimal skin health.

Individuals who have skin that has not lost too much elasticity typically experience longer-lasting results—however, using a daily moisturizer and other skincare products, as well as refraining from smoking can also help extend the lifetime of your results. Additionally, drinking plenty of water and eating a healthy diet can stave off the need for touch-ups or revisional surgery.

The technique your surgeon uses can also affect the longevity of your results—methods that only address loose skin typically do not yield results that last as long as a facelift performed with a more comprehensive approach that tightens underlying structures, as well.

Many facelift patients begin to notice the effects of facial aging approximately ten years (or more) after their initial surgery, but these effects can often be addressed with non-surgical treatments.

Will I have noticeable Facelift scars?

The length and location of facelift scars can vary, depending on the technique employed—however, Dr. MFO takes great care during all facelift procedures to ensure incisions are carefully placed in a way that results in scars that are typically unnoticeable.

In many cases, incisions are made within or along the hairline, making them easy to conceal, once healed. Some patients may also have a scar that extends down behind the ear, but this also typically remains inconspicuous by blending in with the natural crease of the ear. Regardless of your unique incision pattern, closely following Dr. MFO’s aftercare instructions can help scars heal and fade successfully.

During your consultation, Dr. MFO will determine which surgical approach can effectively address your concerns and yield the best possible results. He can then create a personalized treatment plan and discuss specific incision options with you.

When can I return to work?

This depends on your level of comfort and how fast you heal. It might take a few months for you to feel completely normal, but you can re-enter the workplace and attend social events as soon as you feel able. This might be once the obvious incisions have healed, or it could be weeks after the procedure when you feel truly ready. We expect you to be back to work within 1-2 weeks.

Every person is different, so it’s impossible to know exactly how your recovery will go. However, having a support network can make the process much easier. Dr. MFO and his team will be there for you during your recovery and can soothe your concerns and answer any questions.