How to Get a Masculine Jawline with Surgery

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A masculine jawline is often considered a desirable feature for men, as it can enhance their facial attractiveness and confidence. However, not everyone is born with a well-defined jawline, and some may want to improve their appearance with surgical procedures. There are several options available for those who wish to achieve a more masculine jawline, depending on their goals and preferences. In this article, we will briefly introduce some of the most common types of surgery that can help you get a more masculine jawline.

Chin Augmentation

Chin augmentation, also known as mentoplasty or genioplasty, is a surgical procedure that involves inserting an implant or reshaping the bone of the chin to increase its size and projection. This can create a more balanced facial profile and a stronger chin-jawline angle. Chin augmentation can also correct a receding or weak chin, which can make the jawline appear less defined.

Chin augmentation is usually performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation, and it takes about an hour to complete. The surgeon makes a small incision either under the chin or inside the mouth, and then creates a pocket for the implant or modifies the bone. The incision is then closed with sutures, and a bandage is applied to reduce swelling and bruising. The recovery time varies depending on the type and extent of the surgery, but it usually takes a few weeks to heal completely.

Chin augmentation can improve the appearance of the jawline by adding volume and projection to the chin, but it does not affect the width or shape of the jawbone. Therefore, it may not be suitable for those who want to achieve a more angular or square jawline.

Jawline Contouring

Jawline contouring, also known as jaw reduction or mandibular angle reduction, is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess bone or fat from the lower jaw to create a more slender and feminine jawline. This can reduce the width and prominence of the jaw, and create a softer and smoother contour. Jawline contouring can also correct a square or bulky jaw, which can make the face appear more masculine or heavy.

Jawline contouring is usually performed under general anesthesia, and it takes about two to three hours to complete. The surgeon makes an incision either behind the ear or inside the mouth, and then removes or reshapes the bone or fat of the jaw. The incision is then closed with sutures, and a bandage is applied to reduce swelling and bleeding. The recovery time varies depending on the type and extent of the surgery, but it usually takes a few months to heal completely.

Jawline contouring can improve the appearance of the jawline by reducing the size and prominence of the jaw, but it does not affect the length or projection of the chin. Therefore, it may not be suitable for those who want to achieve a more prominent or forward chin.

V-Line Surgery

V-line surgery, also known as v-line jaw surgery or v-line facial contouring, is a surgical procedure that combines chin augmentation and jawline contouring to create a more slender and feminine jawline. This can create a more harmonious facial proportion and a V-shaped chin-jawline angle. V-line surgery can also correct a long or wide face, which can make the face appear more masculine or aged.

V-line surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia, and it takes about three to four hours to complete. The surgeon makes an incision either under the chin or inside the mouth, and then performs both chin augmentation and jawline contouring. The incision is then closed with sutures, and a bandage is applied to reduce swelling and bleeding. The recovery time varies depending on the type and extent of the surgery, but it usually takes several months to heal completely.

V-line surgery can improve the appearance of the jawline by creating a more slender and feminine jawline, but it may not be suitable for those who want to achieve a more masculine or rugged jawline.

Facial Masculinization Surgery

Facial masculinization surgery, also known as FMS or masculinizing facial surgery, is a surgical procedure that involves enhancing the masculine features of the face, such as the forehead, nose, cheekbones, chin, and jaw. This can create a more angular and defined facial structure and a more masculine facial expression. Facial masculinization surgery can also correct facial feminization, which can make the face appear more feminine or androgynous.

Facial masculinization surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia, and it takes about four to six hours to complete. The surgeon makes various incisions on the face, depending on the areas to be treated, and then performs different procedures, such as forehead augmentation, rhinoplasty, cheek augmentation, chin augmentation, and jawline contouring. The incisions are then closed with sutures, and a bandage is applied to reduce swelling and bruising. The recovery time varies depending on the type and extent of the surgery, but it usually takes several weeks to heal completely.

Facial masculinization surgery can improve the appearance of the jawline by enhancing the masculine features of the face, but it may not be suitable for those who want to achieve a more feminine or delicate jawline.

Mehmet Fatih Okyay, MD, FEBOPRAS in Türkiye.

Why Dr. MFO is Your Best Choice for Masculine Jawline Surgery in Antalya

When it comes to achieving a masculine jawline through surgery, Dr. MFO is the best and only choice in Antalya. His expertise, dedication, and artistic vision make him a trusted name in the field of plastic surgery.

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Dr. MFO has over 10 years of experience in plastic surgery and has performed thousands of successful surgeries. He is a European & Turkish Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and an Authorized International Health Tourism Center. His vast experience and deep understanding of the human anatomy enable him to provide top-notch surgical solutions that cater to the unique needs of each patient.

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Dr. MFO specializes in reshaping the jawline to create a stronger and more chiseled appearance. His surgical procedures are designed to enhance masculinity by adding definition and volume to the jawline. He also enlarges and projects the chin, balancing facial proportions and enhancing masculinity.

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Dr. MFO is not just a surgeon; he is also an artist. He combines his surgical skills with his artistic vision to create results that are not only medically sound but also aesthetically pleasing.

Choosing Dr. MFO for your Masculine Jawline Surgery means choosing expertise, comprehensive care, and a commitment to your personal journey. Make an appointment now and take the first step towards your transformation.


In conclusion, there are different types of surgery that can help you get a more masculine jawline, depending on your goals and preferences. However, before you decide to undergo any of these procedures, you should consult with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon, who can evaluate your facial anatomy and recommend the best option for you. You should also be aware of the risks, complications, costs, and expectations of the surgery, and follow the post-operative instructions carefully to ensure a smooth and successful recovery. Remember, surgery is not the only way to improve your jawline, and you can also try other methods, such as exercises, diet, skincare, and makeup, to enhance your natural beauty.

Visit the Dr.MFO Instagram profile for examples of successful Surgeries. Contact for free consultation.


What are the different types of surgery for a masculine jawline?

There are several surgical procedures to achieve a masculine jawline. These include jaw reduction surgery, jaw augmentation surgery, facial and jawline exercises, weight loss, dermal fillers, Botox, and jaw and chin implants.

Which procedure is best for my specific facial features and desired outcome?

The best procedure depends on your specific facial features and desired outcome. It’s important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon who can evaluate your facial structure and discuss your aesthetic goals to determine the most appropriate procedure.

What are the risks and complications associated with each surgery?

Like any surgical procedure, jawline surgery carries risks and potential side effects. These can include swelling, bruising, discomfort in the treated area, infection, nerve damage, or other complications. There’s also a risk of the jaw relapsing to its original position, problems with bite fit and jaw joint pain, need for further surgery, need for root canal therapy on selected teeth, and loss of a portion of the jaw.

How much experience does the surgeon have with these procedures?

The experience of the surgeon with these procedures can vary widely. It’s crucial to choose a surgeon who is experienced in facial aesthetics and jawline surgeries. The surgeon’s level of experience can significantly impact the outcome of the surgery.

What is the typical recovery time after surgery?

The typical recovery time after jawline surgery can vary. Generally, bones after jaw surgery will fuse within ten days to 3 weeks, and be fully healed after three months. The average time for full recovery takes about six weeks.

What will the cost of surgery be, including surgeon fees, hospital stay, and medications?

The cost of jawline surgery can range widely, from $6,500 to $56,000, depending on the practitioner and the scope of the surgery. This cost includes surgeon fees, hospital stay, and medications.

Does my insurance cover any part of the cost of surgery?

Orthognathic surgery is often covered by insurance if a functional problem can be documented, assuming there are no exclusions for jaw surgery on your insurance plan. However, if the surgery is done solely for cosmetic reasons, it’s unlikely to be covered by insurance.

How should I prepare for surgery in terms of diet, exercise, and medication?

Preparation for jawline surgery typically involves a detailed discussion with your surgeon about your health status, including any medications you’re taking, allergies, and chronic diseases. Your surgeon will provide specific instructions based on the type of surgery you’re having.

What are the signs of potential complications after surgery?

Potential complications after jawline surgery can include pain and swelling, problems with eating, and a brief time of adjustment to a new facial appearance. If you experience severe or persistent symptoms, it’s important to contact your surgeon immediately.

What happens if I’m not satisfied with the results of surgery?

If you’re unhappy with the results of your surgery, your plastic surgeon may offer to do corrective surgery at no charge to you. It’s important to discuss your expectations with your surgeon before the procedure to understand the potential outcomes and the possibility of needing additional procedures.

What are the pros and cons of chin implants for a masculine jawline?

Chin implants can enhance the appearance of the jawline by adding volume and definition. They can be an effective solution for individuals with a weak or receding chin. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved, including infection, displacement of the implant, and dissatisfaction with the aesthetic result.

What types of materials are used in chin implants, and which is best for me?

Chin implants can be made from a variety of materials, including silicone, polyethylene, and other biocompatible materials. The best type of implant for you depends on your specific needs and the recommendation of your surgeon.

How is a sliding genioplasty performed, and what are the expected results?

In a sliding genioplasty, the surgeon makes a cut in the lower part of the chin bone and moves it forward or backward, depending on the desired result. This can result in a more balanced facial appearance and improved jaw function.

How does jawline reduction surgery work, and who is a good candidate?

Jawline reduction surgery involves reshaping the lower jaw to reduce its width. This is often performed on patients who have a wide or square jaw and wish to achieve a softer, more feminine jawline.

What is involved in a combined procedure of chin augmentation and jawline contouring?

A combined procedure of chin augmentation and jawline contouring involves enhancing the size or shape of the chin while also reshaping the jawline to create a more balanced and harmonious facial profile.

Can chin liposuction alone create a more masculine jawline, or is it typically combined with other procedures?

Chin liposuction can help to create a more defined jawline by removing excess fat. However, for optimal results, it is often combined with other procedures such as chin augmentation or jawline contouring.

How effective is fat grafting for enhancing the jawline compared to implants?

Fat grafting involves transferring fat from one part of the body to the jawline to enhance its shape and definition. The effectiveness of fat grafting compared to implants can vary depending on individual factors and the specific goals of the patient.

What are the latest advancements in surgical techniques for jawline masculinization?

The field of jawline masculinization is continually evolving, with new surgical techniques and technologies being developed. These advancements aim to improve the safety and effectiveness of the procedures and to achieve more natural-looking results.

Are there any minimally invasive surgery options for a more defined jawline?

Yes, there are minimally invasive options for enhancing the jawline. These include injectable treatments such as dermal fillers and Botox, as well as procedures like chin liposuction and fat grafting.

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