Dr. MFO – FFS Surgeon in Turkey

What is gender-affirming care and why is it essential for trans and nonbinary people?

Gender-affirming care is a term that encompasses a variety of medical, psychological, and social services that aim to support and respect the gender identity and expression of trans and nonbinary people. Trans and nonbinary people are those who do not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth, or who have a gender identity that is not exclusively male or female.

Gender-affirming care can include:

  • Hormone therapy, which involves taking medications to change the levels of sex hormones in the body and induce physical changes that align with one’s gender identity.
  • Surgery, which involves altering the appearance or function of certain body parts, such as the chest, genitals, or facial features, to match one’s gender identity.
  • Voice therapy, which involves training the voice to sound more masculine or feminine, depending on one’s preference.
  • Hair removal or growth, which involves removing or stimulating the growth of hair on certain areas of the body, such as the face, legs, or arms, to achieve a more masculine or feminine look.
  • Legal and social transition, which involves changing one’s name, pronouns, gender marker, and other documents to reflect one’s gender identity, as well as coming out to family, friends, and others.
  • Mental health support, which involves accessing counseling, therapy, or peer support to cope with the challenges and stressors of being trans or nonbinary in a society that often discriminates or misunderstands them.

Gender-affirming care is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and different trans and nonbinary people may have different needs and preferences. Some may want to pursue all or some of the options listed above, while others may not want or need any medical interventions at all. The most important thing is that each person has the autonomy and agency to decide what is best for them, and that they receive respectful and competent care from their providers.

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Why is gender-affirming care important?

Gender-affirming care is important for several reasons. First, it can improve the physical and mental health of trans and nonbinary people, who often face higher rates of depression, anxiety, suicide, substance abuse, and other health issues than the general population. Studies have shown that gender-affirming care can reduce these risks and enhance the quality of life and well-being of trans and nonbinary people. For example, a 2019 study found that trans youth who had access to puberty blockers, a type of hormone therapy that delays the onset of puberty, had lower rates of suicidal thoughts and attempts than those who did not. Another 2019 study found that trans women who underwent facial feminization surgery, a type of surgery that modifies the facial features to appear more feminine, had lower levels of depression and anxiety and higher levels of self-esteem and satisfaction than those who did not.

Second, gender-affirming care can affirm the identity and dignity of trans and nonbinary people, who often face stigma, discrimination, and violence because of their gender identity and expression. Gender-affirming care can help them feel more comfortable and confident in their own skin, and more accepted and respected by others. It can also help them avoid or reduce the effects of gender dysphoria, a distressing condition that occurs when one’s gender identity does not match one’s assigned sex or physical characteristics. Gender dysphoria can cause severe psychological distress and impair one’s functioning in daily life. Gender-affirming care can alleviate or eliminate gender dysphoria by bringing one’s body and identity into alignment.

Third, gender-affirming care can promote the human rights and social justice of trans and nonbinary people, who often face barriers and challenges in accessing health care, education, employment, housing, and other basic rights and services. Gender-affirming care can help them overcome these obstacles and achieve greater equality and inclusion in society. It can also raise awareness and understanding of the diversity and complexity of gender identity and expression, and challenge the stereotypes and prejudices that fuel transphobia and discrimination.

How can one access gender-affirming care?

Accessing gender-affirming care can be a difficult and daunting process for many trans and nonbinary people, especially in countries or regions where such care is not widely available, affordable, or accessible. However, there are some steps that one can take to find and receive the care that they need and deserve.

  • Seek information and support from reliable and reputable sources, such as online resources, books, articles, podcasts, or documentaries that provide accurate and comprehensive information about gender identity and expression, and the options and benefits of gender-affirming care. Some examples of such sources are:
    • The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), an international organization that provides standards of care, guidelines, and resources for health professionals and trans and nonbinary people.
    • Transgender Health Information Program (THiP), a Canadian program that offers information, education, and referrals for trans and nonbinary people and their providers.
    • Transgender Europe (TGEU), a European network that advocates for the rights and well-being of trans and nonbinary people, and provides information and resources on legal and social issues, health care, and community support.
    • Transgender Law Center (TLC), a US-based organization that works to change laws, policies, and attitudes to ensure that trans and nonbinary people can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination.
    • Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI), an Irish organization that supports and advocates for the rights and health of trans and nonbinary people, and provides information and resources on legal and medical issues, as well as peer support and education.
  • Seek professional and peer support from qualified and affirming providers, such as doctors, nurses, therapists, counselors, or social workers who have experience and expertise in working with trans and nonbinary people, and who respect and affirm their identity and expression. Some ways to find such providers are:
    • Asking for referrals or recommendations from other trans and nonbinary people, or from LGBTQ+ organizations or groups in your area.
    • Searching online databases or directories of trans-friendly or trans-specific providers, such as MyTransHealth, Trans Health Care, or Transline.
    • Contacting your local health authority or insurance company and asking for a list of providers who offer gender-affirming care, or who are covered by your health plan.
    • Consulting with your primary care provider and asking for a referral to a specialist or a clinic that provides gender-affirming care.
  • Seek legal and social assistance from organizations or agencies that can help you with the legal and social aspects of your transition, such as changing your name, gender marker, or other documents, or accessing education, employment, housing, or other services. Some examples of such organizations or agencies are:
    • National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE), a US-based organization that provides information and resources on legal and policy issues affecting trans and nonbinary people, such as identity documents, health care, immigration, and civil rights.
    • Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF), a US-based organization that provides legal representation and advocacy for trans and nonbinary people who face discrimination or injustice, such as in employment, education, health care, or public accommodations.
    • Gendered Intelligence (GI), a UK-based organization that provides information and support for trans and nonbinary people, especially young people, and their families, friends, and allies. GI also offers education and training for schools, colleges, universities, and other institutions on gender diversity and inclusion.
    • Transgender Victoria (TGV), an Australian organization that provides information and advocacy for trans and nonbinary people, and their families, friends, and allies. TGV also offers education and training for health professionals, employers, and other service providers on trans and nonbinary issues and needs.


Gender-affirming care is a vital and valuable service that can improve the lives and well-being of trans and nonbinary people. It can help them achieve physical and mental health, affirm their identity and dignity, and promote their human rights and social justice. However, gender-affirming care is not always easy to access or afford, and trans and nonbinary people may face many challenges and barriers in seeking and receiving the care that they need and deserve. Therefore, it is important to raise awareness and understanding of gender-affirming care, and to support and advocate for the rights and health of trans and nonbinary people. By doing so, we can create a more inclusive and respectful society for everyone, regardless of their gender identity and expression.

Mehmet Fatih Okyay, MD, FEBOPRAS in Türkiye.

Why You Should Choose Dr. MFO for Gender-Affirming Surgery, Body Feminization Surgery and Facial Feminization Surgery

If you are looking for a plastic surgeon who can help you achieve your desired feminine appearance and identity, you should consider Dr. MFO. Dr. MFO is a European and Turkish board certified plastic surgeon who has over 10 years of experience in performing thousands of successful surgeries. He is also an authorized international health tourism center, which means he can offer you high-quality care at an affordable price.

Dr. MFO specializes in three types of surgeries that are essential for transgender women and individuals on the transgender spectrum: gender-affirming surgery, body feminization surgery, and facial feminization surgery.

What is Gender-Affirming Surgery?

Gender-affirming surgery is a term that encompasses various surgical procedures that aim to align one’s physical appearance with one’s gender identity. These procedures can include:

  • Top surgery: This involves removing the testicles and creating a neovagina (a new vagina) from the scrotum or other sources of tissue.
  • Vaginoplasty: This involves creating a neovagina from the scrotum or other sources of tissue.
  • Hysterectomy: This involves removing the uterus and sometimes the ovaries as well.
  • Oophorectomy: This involves removing the ovaries.
  • Metoidioplasty: This involves creating a neovagina from the penis.

Gender-affirming surgery can help transgender women and individuals on the transgender spectrum feel more comfortable and confident in their bodies, as well as reduce gender dysphoria (the distress caused by having a mismatch between one’s assigned sex at birth and one’s gender identity).

What is Body Feminization Surgery?

Body feminization surgery, also known as male-to-female (MTF) body contouring surgery, encompasses a range of procedures designed to help transgender women and individuals assigned male at birth (AMAB) align their physical appearance with their gender identity. These procedures can include:

  • Breast augmentation: This involves enhancing breast size and shape using implants or fat transfer techniques.
  • Body contouring: This involves removing excess fat from areas such as the waist, hips, abdomen, or buttocks using liposuction or fat transfer techniques.
  • Facial feminization surgery: This involves reshaping the facial features to create a more feminine appearance using procedures such as rhinoplasty (nose reshaping), brow lift, jaw contouring, lip augmentation, chin augmentation, cheek augmentation, etc.

Body feminization surgery can help transgender women and individuals on the transgender spectrum achieve their desired feminine curves and proportions, as well as enhance their self-esteem and well-being.

What is Facial Feminization Surgery?

Facial feminization surgery (FFS) focuses on reshaping the facial features to create a more feminine appearance. FFS can include procedures such as:

  • Rhinoplasty: This involves altering the shape of the nose to make it smaller or larger according to individual preferences.
  • Brow lift: This involves lifting the eyebrows to create a more arched shape that enhances facial harmony.
  • Jaw contouring: This involves reducing or increasing the width of the jawline to create a more balanced look.
  • Lip augmentation: This involves increasing or decreasing the size of the lips to create a more natural-looking pout.
  • Chin augmentation: This involves adding volume to the chin area to create a more defined jawline.
  • Cheek augmentation: This involves adding volume to either side of the face to create a more rounded, youthful appearance.
  • Forehead contouring: This involves reducing the prominence of the brow bone and reshaping the forehead to create a smoother, more feminine profile.

Facial feminization surgery can help transgender women and individuals on the transgender spectrum achieve a more feminine facial appearance that aligns with their gender identity. It can also enhance their self-esteem and well-being.

Why Choose Dr. MFO?

Dr. MFO has extensive experience in performing gender-affirming surgery, body feminization surgery, and facial feminization surgery with excellent results. He has performed hundreds of these procedures for his patients from different countries around the world who came to him as international health tourists.

Dr. MFO uses advanced techniques and equipment to ensure safety and quality in his surgeries. He follows strict infection control protocols and uses sterile instruments during his operations.

Dr. MFO offers personalized care and attention to his patients before, during, and after their surgeries. He listens to their expectations and goals carefully and provides them with honest advice on what they can expect from each procedure. He also educates them on how to prepare for their surgeries properly by following his instructions on dieting, medication use, wound care, etc.

Dr. MFO provides comprehensive support services for his patients after their surgeries as well. He offers them follow-up consultations regularly to monitor their progress and address any concerns they may have. He also provides them with post-operative care instructions such as pain management medications, wound care, and physical therapy exercises to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery.

Choosing a surgeon for your gender-affirming surgery, body feminization surgery, and facial feminization surgery is a significant decision. With Dr. MFO, you can be confident that you’re in capable and caring hands. His expertise, personalized approach, and commitment to patient care make him the ideal choice for your transition journey.

Visit the Dr.MFO Instagram profile for examples of successful Surgeries. Contact for free consultation.


1. What does gender-affirming care entail?

Gender-affirming care involves medical and psychological support that affirms a person’s gender identity. This can include hormone therapy, surgeries, mental health counseling, and more.

2. Why is gender-affirming care important for trans and nonbinary individuals?

Gender-affirming care is crucial for trans and nonbinary individuals as it validates their gender identity, improves their mental health, and helps them live authentically.

3. What types of healthcare professionals are involved in gender-affirming care?

Healthcare professionals involved in gender-affirming care can include endocrinologists, surgeons, primary care physicians, psychologists, and social workers.

4. How does gender-affirming care support the mental health of trans and nonbinary people?

Gender-affirming care can alleviate gender dysphoria, improve self-esteem, and reduce mental health issues such as depression and anxiety in trans and nonbinary individuals.

5. What are some common gender-affirming treatments?

Common gender-affirming treatments include hormone replacement therapy (HRT), surgeries like top surgery or genital reconstruction surgery, and voice training.

6. How can healthcare systems improve access to gender-affirming care?

Healthcare systems can improve access by training healthcare providers in transgender health, reducing costs, and implementing policies that protect against discrimination.

7. What is the role of hormone therapy in gender-affirming care?

Hormone therapy, involving the administration of estrogen or testosterone, plays a key role in gender-affirming care by helping individuals develop secondary sexual characteristics that align with their gender identity.

8. How does gender-affirming care address the specific needs of nonbinary individuals?

Gender-affirming care for nonbinary individuals is personalized to meet their unique needs and goals, which may include a combination of masculinizing and feminizing treatments.

9. What are the potential risks or side effects of gender-affirming treatments?

Potential risks of gender-affirming treatments can include surgical complications, side effects from hormone therapy, and mental health challenges. However, these risks are often outweighed by the benefits of the treatment.

10. How does gender-affirming care contribute to the overall well-being of trans and nonbinary people?

Gender-affirming care contributes to the overall well-being of trans and nonbinary people by allowing them to live authentically, improving their mental health, and increasing their self-esteem and life satisfaction.

11. What is the process for starting gender-affirming treatments?

The process usually involves a mental health assessment, followed by a discussion of treatment options with a healthcare provider. Informed consent is obtained before starting any treatment.

12. How can friends and family support loved ones who are receiving gender-affirming care?

Friends and family can offer emotional support, respect their loved one’s pronouns and chosen name, educate themselves about transgender issues, and advocate for their loved one’s rights.

13. What legal rights do trans and nonbinary individuals have in accessing gender-affirming care?

Legal rights vary by location, but many places have laws protecting the rights of trans and nonbinary individuals to access healthcare, including gender-affirming care.

14. How is gender-affirming care covered by insurance?

Coverage varies by insurance provider and plan. Some insurance plans cover parts of gender-affirming care, but many individuals face challenges in getting adequate coverage.

15. What is the role of mental health professionals in gender-affirming care?

Mental health professionals play a crucial role in providing counseling, assessing readiness for treatments, and offering ongoing support throughout the transition process.

16. How can schools and workplaces accommodate individuals undergoing gender-affirming treatments?

Schools and workplaces can provide accommodations such as access to gender-neutral restrooms, policies that respect chosen names and pronouns, and support for time off for medical appointments.

17. What is the impact of societal acceptance on the effectiveness of gender-affirming care?

Societal acceptance greatly enhances the effectiveness of gender-affirming care by reducing social stressors, improving mental health, and allowing individuals to live authentically.

18. How does gender-affirming care help reduce gender dysphoria?

Gender-affirming care helps reduce gender dysphoria by aligning an individual’s physical characteristics with their gender identity, thereby reducing the distress caused by this incongruence.

19. What is the role of surgery in gender-affirming care?

Surgery can play a significant role in gender-affirming care for some individuals. Procedures can include chest/breast surgeries, genital surgeries, and facial feminization or masculinization surgeries.

20. How does gender-affirming care differ across countries or cultures?

Access to and attitudes towards gender-affirming care can vary widely across different countries and cultures, influenced by factors such as legal rights, societal acceptance, and healthcare infrastructure.

21. What resources are available for individuals seeking gender-affirming care?

Resources can include LGBTQ+ health clinics, online resources, support groups, and mental health professionals specializing in transgender health.

22. How can healthcare providers be trained to offer competent gender-affirming care?

Training can include education on transgender health issues, communication skills training to ensure respectful and sensitive care, and clinical training in gender-affirming treatments.

23. What is the role of primary care physicians in providing gender-affirming care?

Primary care physicians can play a key role in providing ongoing care, coordinating with specialists, and addressing routine health needs within the context of gender-affirming care.

24. How does gender-affirming care support the physical health of trans and nonbinary people?

By aligning physical appearance with gender identity, gender-affirming care can improve body satisfaction and overall physical health. It also involves routine health monitoring to ensure the safety of treatments.

25. What are the current research trends in gender-affirming care?

Current research trends include studying the long-term effects of hormone therapy, improving surgical techniques, and exploring the specific healthcare needs of nonbinary individuals.

26. How can gender-affirming care be personalized to meet individual needs?

Gender-affirming care is highly individualized, taking into account each person’s unique goals, health needs, and circumstances. This can involve a combination of different treatments and supports.

27. What is the role of support groups in gender-affirming care?

Support groups provide a space for individuals to share experiences, offer mutual support, and learn from others who are undergoing similar journeys.

28. How does age factor into the provision of gender-affirming care?

Age can influence the timing and types of treatments available. For example, adolescents may have access to puberty blockers, while adults may undergo hormone therapy or surgeries.

29. What challenges do rural trans and nonbinary individuals face in accessing gender-affirming care?

Challenges can include limited availability of knowledgeable providers, long travel distances to access care, and lack of anonymity in small communities.

30. How does gender-affirming care intersect with other aspects of healthcare, such as reproductive health or mental health services?

Gender-affirming care is holistic and intersects with all areas of health. For example, it can involve considerations around fertility for those undergoing hormone therapy or surgery, and mental health support is a key component of care.

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