How Much Does Mtf Top Surgery Cost? How Long Does It Take To Fully Transition Mtf?

How Much Does Mtf Top Surgery Cost? How Long Does It Take To Fully Transition Mtf?

Do you ever wonder how much does mtf top surgery cost? Do you feel unhappy with your chest and want to achieve a more feminine look? If so, you are not alone. Many transgender women struggle with their chest dysphoria and desire to have a more congruent and attractive appearance. But how can you change your chest? Is it possible to alter your breast size and shape? The answer is yes, thanks to mtf top surgery.

How Much Does Mtf Top Surgery Cost? How Long Does It Take To Fully Transition Mtf?

What is Mtf Top Surgery?

Mtf top surgery, also known as breast augmentation or augmentation mammoplasty, is a type of cosmetic surgery that aims to increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts to create a more feminine appearance. Mtf top surgery can include various procedures, such as implant insertion, fat transfer, or nipple and areola reshaping. Mtf top surgery can also be combined with other gender affirming surgeries, such as facial feminization surgery (FFS), body feminization surgery (BFS), or genital feminization surgery (GFS), to achieve a complete gender transition.

Mtf top surgery is not only for transgender women who want to align their physical appearance with their gender identity, but also for cisgender women who want to enhance their femininity and beauty. Mtf top surgery can help women who have a naturally small or flat chest, such as an AA or A cup size. Mtf top surgery can also help women who have lost their breast volume or shape due to aging, weight loss, or pregnancy.

How Much Does Mtf Top Surgery Cost?

The cost of mtf top surgery depends on various factors, such as the type and size of implants, the technique and location of incisions, the surgeon’s fees, the anesthesia fees, the facility fees, the medication fees, and the geographic location. The cost of mtf top surgery can range from $5,000 to $15,000 or more, depending on the complexity and extent of the surgery. Mtf top surgery is usually not covered by insurance, unless it is medically necessary, such as for transgender women who suffer from severe chest dysphoria. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with your insurance company and your plastic surgeon about the financing options and payment plans available for mtf top surgery.

How Long Does It Take To Fully Transition Mtf?

There is no definitive answer to how long does it take to fully transition mtf, as different people may have different goals and expectations. However, some general guidelines and suggestions are:

  • Start with hormone therapy (HT), which is the administration of estrogen and anti-androgens to induce the development and maintenance of female characteristics, such as breast growth, body fat distribution, and menstrual cycle. HT can also affect the mood, behavior, and sexuality of the individual. HT can take from six months to two years or more to achieve the desired effects, depending on the dose and duration of HT, the age and genetics of the individual, and the presence of other hormones, such as testosterone.
  • Continue with gender affirming surgeries (GAS), which are the modification of the physical features and characteristics of the body to create a more congruent appearance with one’s gender identity. GAS can include various procedures, such as facial feminization surgery, body feminization surgery, genital feminization surgery, breast augmentation, voice feminization surgery, and hair transplantation. GAS can take from one to six hours each, and require several weeks or months of recovery and follow-up, depending on the type and number of procedures, the individual’s healing ability, and the post-operative care.
  • Complete with social transition, which is the change of one’s name, pronouns, clothing, hairstyle, makeup, and accessories to reflect one’s gender identity. Social transition can also involve coming out to family, friends, co-workers, and society, and obtaining legal recognition and documentation of one’s gender identity. Social transition can take from a few months to several years or more, depending on the individual’s readiness, comfort, and support.


Mtf top surgery is a type of cosmetic surgery that can help transgender women to achieve a more feminine and attractive chest appearance. Mtf top surgery can include various procedures, such as implant insertion, fat transfer, or nipple and areola reshaping. Mtf top surgery can improve the quality of life and well-being of transgender women who suffer from chest dysphoria, as it can boost their self-esteem, confidence, happiness, and gender congruence. Mtf top surgery can cost from $5,000 to $15,000 or more, depending on the complexity and extent of the surgery. Mtf top surgery can be part of the gender transition process, which can also involve hormone therapy, other gender affirming surgeries, and social transition. Mtf top surgery requires consultation, preparation, surgery, recovery, and maintenance to achieve the best results.

Choosing The Best

Dr. MFO is a renowned surgeon who specializes in gender affirmation surgeries for transgender people. He has extensive experience and expertise in performing male-to-female and female-to-male procedures with high quality and safety standards. He operates in Antalya, Turkey, a beautiful and welcoming city that attracts many tourists and medical travelers from around the world. Dr. MFO offers affordable prices for his services, compared to the expensive costs of gender affirmation surgeries in the US and Europe. If you are interested in undergoing a life-changing surgery with Dr. MFO, you can fill out a form on his website and get a free consultation and quote. Dr. MFO is committed to helping you achieve your true identity and happiness.

Visit the Dr.MFO Instagram profile for examples of successful Surgeries. Contact for free consultation.


What is the average cost of MTF top surgery?

The average cost of MTF top surgery can vary widely depending on several factors, but it’s generally in the range of $5,000 to $10,000.

Does insurance cover MTF top surgery?

Some insurance companies do cover MTF top surgery, but it often depends on the specific policy and whether the surgery is deemed medically necessary.

Are there any financing options for MTF top surgery?

Yes, there are several financing options available for MTF top surgery, including medical loans, payment plans offered by the surgeon’s office, and fundraising.

How does the cost of MTF top surgery compare to FTM top surgery?

The cost of MTF top surgery and FTM top surgery can vary, but they are generally comparable. Both procedures involve complex surgical techniques and similar recovery times.

What factors can affect the cost of MTF top surgery?

Several factors can affect the cost of MTF top surgery, including the surgeon’s experience, the specific surgical technique used, and the geographic location of the surgery.

Are there additional costs associated with MTF top surgery, such as aftercare?

Yes, there can be additional costs associated with MTF top surgery, including post-operative care, medications, and potential follow-up procedures.

How much does MTF top surgery cost in different countries?

The cost of MTF top surgery can vary significantly between countries, often due to differences in healthcare systems, cost of living, and the availability of skilled surgeons.

Does the cost of MTF top surgery include post-operative care?

Typically, the quoted cost of MTF top surgery includes the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia, and facility fees, but it may not always include post-operative care. It’s important to clarify this with the surgeon’s office.

Can the cost of MTF top surgery vary based on the surgeon’s experience?

Yes, the cost of MTF top surgery can vary based on the surgeon’s experience. More experienced surgeons often charge higher fees, but they may also provide a higher level of care and better surgical outcomes.

Is the cost of MTF top surgery tax deductible?

In some cases, the cost of MTF top surgery may be tax deductible if it’s considered a medical expense. However, tax laws vary, so it’s best to consult with a tax professional.

What is the average cost of MTF top surgery?

The average cost of MTF top surgery can vary widely depending on several factors, but it’s generally in the range of $5,000 to $10,000.

Does insurance cover MTF top surgery?

Some insurance companies do cover MTF top surgery, but it often depends on the specific policy and whether the surgery is deemed medically necessary.

Are there any financing options for MTF top surgery?

Yes, there are several financing options available for MTF top surgery, including medical loans, payment plans offered by the surgeon’s office, and fundraising.

How does the cost of MTF top surgery compare to FTM top surgery?

The cost of MTF top surgery and FTM top surgery can vary, but they are generally comparable. Both procedures involve complex surgical techniques and similar recovery times.

What factors can affect the cost of MTF top surgery?

Several factors can affect the cost of MTF top surgery, including the surgeon’s experience, the specific surgical technique used, and the geographic location of the surgery.

Are there additional costs associated with MTF top surgery, such as aftercare?

Yes, there can be additional costs associated with MTF top surgery, including post-operative care, medications, and potential follow-up procedures.

How much does MTF top surgery cost in different countries?

The cost of MTF top surgery can vary significantly between countries, often due to differences in healthcare systems, cost of living, and the availability of skilled surgeons.

Does the cost of MTF top surgery include post-operative care?

Typically, the quoted cost of MTF top surgery includes the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia, and facility fees, but it may not always include post-operative care. It’s important to clarify this with the surgeon’s office.

Can the cost of MTF top surgery vary based on the surgeon’s experience?

Yes, the cost of MTF top surgery can vary based on the surgeon’s experience. More experienced surgeons often charge higher fees, but they may also provide a higher level of care and better surgical outcomes.

Is the cost of MTF top surgery tax deductible?

In some cases, the cost of MTF top surgery may be tax deductible if it’s considered a medical expense. However, tax laws vary, so it’s best to consult with a tax professional.

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